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9 Ways Your Young Toddler Can Start Doing Chores Today!

Broom sweeping on hardwood floor

It’s hard to know exactly when to start having toddlers help around the house, but I’ve quickly learned that it’s something they pick up on VERY quickly. Mainly, they LOVE to help and be involved and if we let them, without getting frustrated or impatient, it teaches them such important lessons!

Most importantly, they’ll grow up already having responsibility in the family and knowing that they are CAPABLE of helping!

Even though my son is only 19 months old, he’s always so eager to help me. He’s been helping me with basic tasks like trash and laundry for several months now!

Here are a few ideas that my toddler is totally capable of doing to help. While it may be a process at first and require some patience and teaching, these simple tasks will really to help ease our young toddlers into chores.

For awhile, we have to be okay with bot having a job done perfectly or most efficiently. If we can do that, the pay off will be so much better in the end. On the other hand, if we get too frustrated or controlling, it can have the opposite and their desire to help will be ruined.

One of my favorite parenting teachers/influencers, Ralphie, talks about this a lot on her instagram (see her link below).

They love to help with laundry!

Chores for Young Toddlers

  1. Throw trash or diapers into the garbage.
  2. Pick up and put away toys and books
  3. Push wet laundry into the dryer.
  4. Help bring groceries in from the car.
  5. Wipe up messes.
  6. Swiffer your floors.
  7. Help wipe down windows and appliance doors.
  8. Wipe down high chair after meals.
  9. Put dirty laundry in the hamper.

Some of my favorite pages and accounts to follow that talk more about toddler chores:

Simply on Purpose

Chores for A 3 to 4 Year Old by Merrick’s Art

Age Appropriate Chores That Kids Can and Should Do by Fun Cheap or Free

RELATED POST: 10 Hacks for Parents to Save Time on Household Chores

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