Tag: baby fun

The Best Outdoor Summer Activities For Toddlers

Summer is the perfect season for toddlers! There’s a whole new world outside that’s full of fun things and new places for them to explore. Here are a bunch my favorite activities to do with littles outside!

Amazing Bath Time Accessories and Must-Haves for Babies and Toddlers

Bath time with babies and toddlers is one of those things that you want to be prepared for. While baths are necessary for hygiene reasons, they are also total life-savers for fussy babies and for bored or cranky toddlers! I’ve included links for infant and toddler bath time gear.

children's books, baby books, toddler books, stack of books

Our Favorite Young Toddler and Baby Books with Uplifting Messages

These books teach our next generation love, kindness, acceptance and other positive messages.

Stimulating Ideas for Montessori Baby Treasure Baskets on a Budget

Provide stimulating activities & opportunities for exploration & learning for your baby with things you already have at home!