Tag: baby prep

baby sleeping on a snuggle me organic lounger with a blue swaddle blanket

How and Why We Picked Our Son’s Uncommon Boy Name

The backstory of how we chose our first son’s name, why we chose something uncommon and the meaning behind it.

Amazing Bath Time Accessories and Must-Haves for Babies and Toddlers

Bath time with babies and toddlers is one of those things that you want to be prepared for. While baths are necessary for hygiene reasons, they are also total life-savers for fussy babies and for bored or cranky toddlers! I’ve included links for infant and toddler bath time gear.

9 Things You Need to Survive Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a beautiful concept, but (for some) it can be very physically difficult, full of nausea, headaches and back pain. What I’m here to do is tell you that sometimes it does suck and it’s OKAY to hate it, and to tell you about some pregnancy must-haves that do help!

baby newborn photography, newborn pictures, baby boy, in home session

Top Must-Haves to Help Your Baby Sleep Well

As parents, we do the best we can to provide a safe sleep space for our babies and a secure attachment and then we hope for the best. All babies sleep differently and hit milestones at different places. However, we can set them up for success with an amazing sleep environment.

children's books, baby books, toddler books, stack of books

Our Favorite Young Toddler and Baby Books with Uplifting Messages

These books teach our next generation love, kindness, acceptance and other positive messages.

All of My Newborn and Baby Registry Must-Haves

It’s hard to know what you’ll actually end up using and love until your baby arrives. Here are our essentials to help you set up your baby registry and prepare!

The #1 Best Baby Product That is 100% Worth Spending Your Money On

There is ONE item that’s hands-down worth the splurge for your baby’s safety, your peace of mind and convenience!