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The #1 Best Baby Product That is 100% Worth Spending Your Money On

When you’re pregnant, it seems like everyone has an opinion and they are more than happy to let you know it. You could spend HOURS researching on Google, and every website will tell you 100 different products they can’t live without.

Plus, everyone will give you all of their thoughts on sleep training, baby safety and how to best raise your children. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start.

I’m not here to overwhelm you today; I’m here to tell you that while, yes, there are a lot of nice, convenient baby items to buy or add to your registry… There is ONE top item that’s hands-down worth the splurge for your baby’s safety, your peace of mind and convenience.

I didn’t anticipate loving it so much, but I heard so many people raving about it that I just had to add it to my registry. My mother-in-law actually bought it for us for our baby shower and I’m SO glad she did. Though, I totally would have bought it if it hadn’t been gifted to us, because it is 100% worth it.

Have you guessed what it is yet?!

This breathable Newton Baby Mattress!

It’s a two-stage mattress for babies AND toddlers, so it will last you years. Plus, it’s 100% breathable and washable. This means that it doesn’t just collect dust bunnies that trigger allergies!

It has also won so many awards and is recommended by doctors.

This link will take you to the Newton website, where you can enter your email address for $50 off your order. They also offer free shipping and a 100-day guarantee. What more could you ask for?!

Personally, I would say that the price is SO worth the peace and safety it brings. Moms are notorious for checking their baby’s breathing throughout the night and worrying about them.

When Trussler started rolling onto his belly to sleep, I had ZERO worries. I was actually so grateful, because he slept so much more soundly. I would definitely add it to your baby registry or use gift cards you receive to purchase it!

For my other favorite products and tons of discount codes, see my Favorites tab above.

*Disclaimer: Some of the links on my website are affiliate links. This means that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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